*Update* Get your pension questions answered from Belmont at February Local 83 meetings

Be sure to attend the upcoming LU83 regular monthly meeting in Sackville, NS on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 as a representative from Belmont will be in attendance for a question and answer session regarding pension. The meeting will take place at the regular time of 7 p.m. at 1000 Sackville Drive.

LU1178 members are also encouraged to attend the LU83 information meeting in Stellarton, NS on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 as a Belmont representative will also be answering your pension questions at that meeting. Start time for the Stellarton meeting is 7 p.m. followed by the regular information meeting at 8 p.m.

If you have a question about your pension this is a great opportunity to get answers.

We hope to see you at the meetings!

Scott Keeping
ACRC Regional Manager Nova Scotia and PEI

Upcoming dates for Journeymen Leadership program

Please see the upcoming dates for the UBC Journeymen: Building Leadership For a Strong Future program:

January 25-28, 2018
February 1-4, 2018
February 8-11, 2018

The Journeymen Leadership program is held at the UBC International Training Center in Las Vegas, NV. Please note that members can only attend the Journeymen Leadership program once.

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please contact Debbie Smith by phone at (506) 450-4024 extension 201 or by email dsmith@acrc.ca

For more information on the Journeymen Leadership program, please click here to view our Programs page.

Local 83 scholarship winners

Congratulations to the four Local 83 Scholarship Contest winners who will each receive a $1,000 scholarship. Their names were drawn at the last Local 83 meeting held on December 5, 2017.

    • Travis Devonport – son of Ted (Edward) Devonport of Bedford
    • Jessica Fraser – daughter of Kelvin Fraser of Antigonish
    • Nicole Boudreau – daughter of Bill Boudreau of Williamswood
    • Chet Chisholm – son of Richard Chisholm of Salt Springs

We wish you all continued success with your studies!

Yarmouth meeting change and Digby update

Due to a scheduling conflict, the next Yarmouth Local 83 information meeting has been moved up one week to Wednesday, November 29 for this month only. Regular time of 6 p.m. at the Rodd Grand Yarmouth.

In response to the questions we have been receiving about the Digby Local 83 information meetings, we will be holding a meeting in Digby (Coastal Inn, 111 Warwick St.) on Thursday, November 30 at 6 p.m. to discuss plans for the information meetings going forward.

A token of appreciation will be given to each member in attendance at these meetings.

We hope you can attend either of these two important meetings.

In solidarity,

Scott Keeping
ACRC Regional Manager, Nova Scotia and PEI

RJW Bursary seeking more NS applications

Just a reminder that the application period for the Robert J. Watson Bursary program will be closing on Wednesday, November 22 2017. Please be sure to get your applications in before this date at www.rjwbursary.com.

At this time, the province of Nova Scotia has not received enough applications to match the number of bursaries awarded – there is free money up for grabs!

For more information on the bursary program, or to apply online, click here. You can also contact Mike Malles, Labour Relations Representative at the GPMC by phone at (519) 744-4762 or by email mmalles@gpmccanada.com

If you prefer to submit a paper form by email, click here to download the form. The form should be emailed as an attachment to mmalles@gpmccanada.com to ensure it is received by Wednesday, November 22, 2017.


2017 Carpenters Local 83 Scholarship Draw

Again this year, we are offering four $1,000 draws.  All dependent children of Local 83 members enrolled in university or other post secondary training are encouraged to apply before Tuesday, December 5th, 2017.  A lottery draw will be held at the general membership meeting on December 5th, 2017.

Application Form for Local 83 Scholarship

Rules for eligibility:

  1. Only dependent sons or daughters of Union members in Goodstanding are eligible.
  2. Proof of registration at a recognized educational institution for the 2017-2018 year if you are selected.
  3. Agree to publish name in a major Nova Scotia newspaper advertisement acknowledging the receipt of this scholarship.

To open and print the application form, click here.

Thank you,

Shane Butler
President, Local 83


Important votes announced at Local 83 meeting

I would like to share the results regarding two important votes that were announced at the Local 83 regular monthly meeting on November 7, 2017.

Local 83 membership voted 89-6 in favour of staying with the Mainland Nova Scotia Building Trades.

Also at the meeting, the shareholders of the Local 83 Building Company Ltd. voted 24-8 in favour of investing a portion of Local 83 Building Company Ltd. funds towards required renovations at 1000 Sackville Drive.

In solidarity,

Scott Keeping
ACRC Regional Manager, Nova Scotia and PEI

Local 83 scaffolders required immediately

Scaffolders of all levels are required to start work immediately on an upcoming project based in Halifax, NS.

A Fingerprints Applicant Request Form (Contract Security Program) and a Controlled Goods Program Security Assessment Application form are required to be completed in order to be job-ready.

For more information or to apply for this opportunity, please contact the Dispatch Team at 902-454-5100 extension 0 or by email at dispatch83@acrc.ca.