
Dues Receipts

Effective Monday, February 5, 2018:

Where as we have several members who pay dues online and via credit cards, the ACRC will no longer be generating and mailing receipts for these payments. Your financial institution can provide a record to you that indicates proof of payment. Going forward, receipts will only be provided to those members paying cash at the counter.


Upcoming dates for Journeymen Leadership program

Please see the upcoming dates for the UBC Journeymen: Building Leadership For a Strong Future program:

January 25-28, 2018
February 1-4, 2018
February 8-11, 2018

The Journeymen Leadership program is held at the UBC International Training Center in Las Vegas, NV. Please note that members can only attend the Journeymen Leadership program once.

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please contact Debbie Smith by phone at (506) 450-4024 extension 201 or by email

For more information on the Journeymen Leadership program, please click here to view our Programs page.

Charlottetown Olde Tyme Union Picnic coming up soon!

Come join us Saturday, August 26, 2017 at the Delta Prince Edward waterfront for a barbecue, prizes, kids’ activities, rock wall, and more! The outdoor picnic event starts at 11 a.m. and runs until 2 p.m.

We are excited to host this event in conjunction with the 2017 UBC National Apprenticeship Competition! Come out and see the best apprentices in the country ply their trade and showcase their skills.

You’re not going to want to miss this one! Hope to see you there!

Do you want to attend the 2017 National Apprenticeship Competition and ACRC Picnic in Charlottetown?

If so, the Atlantic Canada Regional Council is holding a contest where you and a guest can win travel, accommodation, and a meal stipend to attend the 2017 NAC and participate in the ACRC Olde Tyme Union Picnic on August 26, 2017.

Here’s how it works: For every union meeting you attend (all regions) and program you participate in (Journeyman Leadership, Site Organizer, assisting union campaigns, etc.) you will earn one ballot in the draw. The more you participate, the more ballots you earn!

In addition, any member who filled out the recent ACRC Membership Survey will automatically get one ballot in the contest.

To help make the day a success, we ask for a minimum volunteer commitment of four hours from each winner to assist with set up / tear down, event support, and other duties as assigned.

Up to forty (40) draws will take place across Atlantic Canada, proportional to membership numbers in each region.

Deadline for all ballots to be received is Thursday, June 15, 2017.

For more information on the 2017 NAC, click here. Details on the ACRC Olde Tyme Picnics can be found here.

What are you waiting for? Get involved in your region and we hope to see you in Charlottetown in August!

For more information, please contact Director of Organizing Colin Keeping at 902-454-5100 or

Olde Tyme Union Picnics

With summer just around the corner, we are excited to announce a series of union picnics that will be held across Atlantic Canada.

These events are open to members, their family and friends, and the public. Along with a barbecue lunch, there will be giveaways, prizes, skills demonstrations, and much more.

Check the Events section in your Region for the picnic being held nearest you. Don’t miss out – mark your calendars now!


Local 1338 Office Hours (Jan. 23-26, 2017)

Please note the Charlottetown ACRC office will be closed Monday, January 23, 2017 through to Thursday, January 26, 2017 to accommodate staff training. The office will reopen on Friday, January 27, 2017.

During this time, any inquiries should be directed to Jeff Richardson at 902-759-1922.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Local 1338 Reorganization

 As a result of a change in leadership, the ACRC is restructuring its PEI office to provide better value for Local 1338 members. Farrel Huculak is no longer employed as a business representative / organizer with the Council. Until a suitable replacement is found, please direct all inquiries to Jeff Richardson who can be contacted at 902-759-1922 or

We are committed to supporting Local 1338 members and encourage anyone with questions or concerns to contact Deb Romero, EST, at 506-654-3849 or


Regional Council Elections

As a result of the elections that took place at last week’s Delegates’ Meeting in Halifax, we are pleased to introduce the new Executive Committee of the Atlantic Canada Regional Council:

President – Andrew Dawson
Vice President – Gordon Jacobs
Executive Secretary-Treasurer – Deb Romero
Executive Committee Member – Elvis Park
Executive Committee Member – Mike Drover
Trustee – Ivan Gedge
Trustee – Steve Thorne
Trustee – Scott Keeping
Conductor – Colin Keeping
Warden – Vaughn Purdy

On behalf of the newly-elected Executive, we would to extend our thanks to outgoing EST Gus Doyle and thank him for his years of service to the Council.