
Lincoln Ross Memorial Bursary

The Lincoln Ross Memorial Bursary is available to all members of Local 1338 and their immediate families (Spouse/Child) who are attending or will be attending a post-secondary education institution.

The bursary is valued up to $500 depending on the number of applicants. To apply please email acceptance letter and an outline of tuition to Deadline is November 15, 2018

To see the bursary guidelines click the link below


Two Members Lost In Shooting This Morning

The Atlantic Canada Regional Council of Carpenters, Millwrights and Allied Workers is grieving the loss of two of our members on the job this morning.

This mornings shooting in Fredericton claimed the lives of two members of UBC Local 911. Please take a moment to say a prayer for these fallen first responders.

Pre-Authorized Debit For Monthly Dues Is Now Available!

What is Pre-Authorized Debit?

Pre-Authorized Debit is an automated recurring payment from your bank account for things like mortgages, investments, or in this case monthly dues.

Why use Pre-Authorized Debit?

Pre-Authorized Debit makes paying your monthly dues simple and stress free. It allows you keep up to date with your dues without the stress of finding time to come in to and pay them.

How can I get started?

Fill out the form below, mail it to the address indicated or email it to, and your done.


2018 Sisters in the Brotherhood Conference

Dear Sisters,

Please be advised there will be a 2018 Sisters in the Brotherhood Conference at the International Training Centre Las Vegas from August 26-29, 2018. The Atlantic Canada Regional Council has been allocated 25 spots for our members to attend.

In order to qualify for this conference you must write a brief letter as to why you should be chosen to attend the conference. In addition to qualify you must be in good standing with the Union . Please forward your applications to by June 18 2018.

The successful applicants will be notified by June 21 2018.

Thank you for your continued interest and support for the Sisters in the Brotherhood.

Fraternally Yours,
Debra Romero

Day of Mourning

April 28th is the National Day of Mourning. We pay our respect to the men and women who have been injured or killed in work related incidents.

For more information: Click Here

Ceremony Locations and Times:

New Brunswick Locations: Click Here

Newfoundland Locations: Click Here

Nova Scotia Locations: Click Here

P.E.I. Locations: Click Here

Other Locations Around Canada: Click Here
