
Day of Mourning

April 28th is the National Day of Mourning. We pay our respect to the men and women who have been injured or killed in work related incidents.

For more information: Click Here

Ceremony Locations and Times:

New Brunswick Locations: Click Here

Newfoundland Locations: Click Here

Nova Scotia Locations: Click Here

P.E.I. Locations: Click Here

Other Locations Around Canada: Click Here


Dues Receipts

Effective Monday, February 5, 2018:

Where as we have several members who pay dues online and via credit cards, the ACRC will no longer be generating and mailing receipts for these payments. Your financial institution can provide a record to you that indicates proof of payment. Going forward, receipts will only be provided to those members paying cash at the counter.


Upcoming dates for Journeymen Leadership program

Please see the upcoming dates for the UBC Journeymen: Building Leadership For a Strong Future program:

January 25-28, 2018
February 1-4, 2018
February 8-11, 2018

The Journeymen Leadership program is held at the UBC International Training Center in Las Vegas, NV. Please note that members can only attend the Journeymen Leadership program once.

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please contact Debbie Smith by phone at (506) 450-4024 extension 201 or by email

For more information on the Journeymen Leadership program, please click here to view our Programs page.

Carpenters Union demands scaffold safety on the jobsite

The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC), Local 579, is demanding safe workplaces throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. The UBC has been providing scaffolding training to its membership for the past 30 years. This training consists of a 17-week program followed by an apprenticeship program. When apprentices work 4,000 hours in the field, they are eligible to write their Journeyperson exam that consists of a practical and theory component.

The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Local 203, is offering a three (3) day scaffolding course for their membership to erect and dismantle scaffolding on the jobsite. The knowledge of safe scaffolding cannot be taught in three days. We all have an obligation to keep workers safe on the jobsite. If a worker or employer fails to demonstrate due diligence in the event of a critical injury or fatality regarding an unsafe scaffold, they can be found criminally responsible for their actions.

The UBC is urging employers and the labour movement to support safe scaffolding practices in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. One injury or death related to unsafe scaffolding is one too many.



Ivan Gedge
Regional Manager, Newfoundland and Labrador
President, UBC, Local 579
Atlantic Canada Regional Council of Carpenters, Millwrights and Allied Workers

NL Building Trades Branding Contest

As you may know, the Newfoundland and Labrador Building Trades has been working with m5 marketing communications on our rebranding campaign, and in the coming weeks we will be unveiling our new logo.

To help mark the occasion, we will donate $1,000 each to 16 charities/organizations/youth groups. Building trades members with LU 579 and LU 1009 are invited to nominate a charity/organization/group of their choice (one nomination per member) with the top 16 vote-getters each receiving a $1,000 donation from the NL Building Trades.

To participate, qualified building trades members (in good standing) must email the following to

Subject Line: Branding Contest

In the body of the email indicate your name and local union name/number and the charity/organization/group of your choice.

Deadline for entering the contest is Friday, October 27, 2017.

Winners will be announced at an event to unveil the new building trades logo.

Olde Tyme Union Picnic – Paradise, NL

Our wrap-up Olde Tyme Union Picnic of the summer is this Saturday in Paradise, NL!

Come join us Saturday, September 16, 2017 at Paradise Park in the Town of Paradise for a barbecue, prizes, kids’ activities, giveaways, and much more! The outdoor picnic event starts at 11 a.m. and runs until 2 p.m.

For more information or details on event location, please see our event page here.

Hope to see you there!