
Mainland Nova Scotia Special Called Meetings

Local 83 and Local 1178 have announced Special Called Meetings to review the proposed agreement for the Pieridae Energy Canada Ltd. (Goldboro LNG Ltd.) project. At these meetings we will be voting on the proposed agreement for the Goldboro Project. We encourage members to carefully read over the proposed agreement and to make plans to attend this special meeting to vote.

Local 83 – Halifax: The regularly scheduled monthly meeting for October will take place on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 7 p.m. and copies of the proposed agreement will be available for members to take and review at that time. The Special Called Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 7 p.m. at the Union Hall (1000 Sackville Drive).

Local 83 – Yarmouth: The regularly scheduled monthly meeting for October will take place on Wednesday, October 5, 2016 at 6 p.m. and copies of the proposed agreement will be available for members to take and review at that time. The Special Called Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rodd Grand Yarmouth (417 Main St.).

Local 1178 – Stellarton: The Special Called Meeting for Local 1178 will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 10 a.m. at the Union Hall (139 Beaufort Street). The monthly meeting will take place after the Special Called Meeting.

Please note Local 83 members located in or around the Stellarton area can attend the information meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 to review and vote on the proposed agreement.

Click on the links below to view the files in PDF format:

Project Special Needs Collective Agreement
Letter of Understanding

St. John’s Information Demonstration – Friday, Sept. 23

Out-of-province workers continue to work at the Nalcor hydro electric plant turbine overhaul job in Grand Falls-Windsor, NL.

In protest of this, another demonstration will occur at the Nalcor Corporate office at 500 Columbus Drive, 10 a.m., Friday, 23 Sept. We will meet in the Nalcor parking lot.

We need to correct this and need workers, regardless of trade or whether union or non-union, to come down and participate in the demonstration.

Read the press release here

Regional Council Elections

As a result of the elections that took place at last week’s Delegates’ Meeting in Halifax, we are pleased to introduce the new Executive Committee of the Atlantic Canada Regional Council:

President – Andrew Dawson
Vice President – Gordon Jacobs
Executive Secretary-Treasurer – Deb Romero
Executive Committee Member – Elvis Park
Executive Committee Member – Mike Drover
Trustee – Ivan Gedge
Trustee – Steve Thorne
Trustee – Scott Keeping
Conductor – Colin Keeping
Warden – Vaughn Purdy

On behalf of the newly-elected Executive, we would to extend our thanks to outgoing EST Gus Doyle and thank him for his years of service to the Council.

Labour Day

General ACRC ad for Labour DayOn September 5, the Atlantic Canada Regional Council of Carpenters, Millwrights & Allied Workers wishes to recognize the achievements of our members and workers everywhere to improve the communities in which they live. Labour Day is a time to honour the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well being of our country.

Please note ACRC offices will be closed on Labour Day Monday, reopening on Tuesday, September 6.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!

Muskrat Falls Job Notice | Muskrat Falls avis d’emploi

Astaldi is seeking journeypersons and apprentices who are experienced in Doka / Peri formwork and comfortable with climbing ladders, scaffolding, and working at heights of 150’+ to work on the Muskrat Falls project in NL. Resumes preferred. Please contact your local business representative or dispatcher for details.

Astaldi est à la recherche de compagnons et d’apprentis avec de l’expérience dans le domaine du travail de formes Doka / Peri,  et qui sont à l’aise à monter des échelles, des échafaudages, et travailler à des hauteurs de 150’ et plus,  sur le site du projet Muskrat Falls à Terre-Neuve. On demande de préférence des résumés. Prière de communiquer avec votre agent d’affaires au niveau local pour plus de renseignements.