
Voting Results of Local 83’s Newest Collective Agreement

Thank you to all members who came out to vote on the Local 83 Collective Agreement, July 11th 2018.

After all the ballots where counted, the majority of members were in favour (125-68) of the New Agreement.

Thanks again to all members who took time from their busy schedules to come out and vote.
Full Steam Ahead!


Scott Keeping
Provincial Manager Local 83

“Possible Construction Industry Strike”

There are persistent rumours in the construction industry of a possible strike. It is true that currently, four unions are in a legal strike position. Those unions include the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 721, Labourers International Union of North America, Local 615, Bricklayers and Allied Craftsworkers, Local 1 Nova Scotia, and the International Union of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Ironworkers, Local 752. It is expected that those unions will initiate strike action in the very near future.

Carpenters Local 83 is NOT in a strike position. We have agreed in principle to new terms and conditions for our collective agreement and are in the process of ratifying the offer. It is expected that we will conclude a new agreement without the necessity of a strike.

You likely have questions about what is going to happen if there is a strike by the other unions. The first thing you must understand is that we are not on strike. Since we are not in a legal strike, we are legally required to go to work. Article 3 of our collective agreement with the employers prohibits us from taking any action which will interfere with or stop the efficient operation of construction work, unless we are in a legal strike position. Furthermore, the collective agreement provides that any worker who wrongfully interferes with work will be subjected to disciplinary action.

So, what happens if you arrive at work and there is a picket line? First of all, your Shop Steward should contact the Union immediately. If there is no Shop Steward, contact the Union yourself.

If your employer insists that you go to work, you are legally required to do so. However, it may be the case that due to the integrated functions of the various construction unions, your employer may not be able to perform any work so there will be no work for you. For example, some work will be dependant on the use of a crane. If there is no crane, there may be no work for you to perform.

If your employer requires you to work, but there is a picket line and an unsafe situation such as a physical barrier to accessing the jobsite, or a potential for physical violence, threats or harassment, DO NOT put yourself in an unsafe situation. Again, have your Shop Steward contact the Union immediately. We will liaise with the striking unions, the employer, the owner and the police to create a safe environment for you to access your worksite. Do not put yourself in an unsafe situation, and do not do anything to make a bad situation worse such as physically forcing your way through a picket line.

Hopefully, the parties can resolve their issues and a strike can be avoided. We will do our best to keep you informed, and to represent your interests.

Union Contact, Scott Keeping 902-430-6882


Scott Keeping
Provincial Manager Local 83

Local 579 Delegates Update

The ballots for the Local 579 ACRC Delegates were counted on Friday, June 29, 2018.

The following are the results:

1. Mike Williams
2. Joanne Bemister
3. Ivan Gedge
4. Paul Pelly
5. Neil Mulrooney
6. Bill Hedlund
7. Connie Fowler
8. Max Fancy
9. Lloyd Granter
10. George Janes
11. Jeff Bemister
12. Steve Sheppard
13. Darren Thorne
14. Allan Power
15. Darren Targett

16. Norman Byrd (Alternate)
17. Adam Wall (Alternate)
18. Bobby Doyle (Alternate)

Thank you to all members who put their name forward for the ballot. The Election Committee would also like to thank the many volunteers who helped with the ballot count today, and the members who took time to vote.

Mainland Nova Scotia Carpenters Collective Agreement

This notice is to inform the membership of Local 83 that there will be information sessions across Mainland Nova Scotia to discuss the new Carpenters Local 83 Collective Agreement. These are important information sessions, so please make every effort to attend.

Directly following each information session listed below, the membership of Local 83 will then have a ratification vote to determine acceptance of our newly negotiated contract.


Date: Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Time: 6:00 p.m.


Union Hall, 1000 Sackville Drive


Union Hall, 139 Beaufort Street


Rodd Grand, 417 Main Street


Coastal Inn, 111 Warwick Street

*The regular scheduled monthly information session in Stellarton on July 11, 2018 will happen as usual following the ratification vote.

Yours fraternally,

Scott Keeping
Regional Manager

Local 579 Executive Update

The ballots for Local 579 Executive were counted today, June 22, 2018. 

The following are the results: 

President – Mike Williams
Vice President – Paul Pelley
Recording Secretary – Neil Mulrooney
Financial Secretary – Joanne Bemister
Treasurer – Steve Sheppard
Conductor – Max Fancy
Trustee East – Bill Hedlund
Trustee Central – Lloyd Granter
Trustee West – Elvis Park
Warden – Steve Fleming (Acclamation)

Thank you to all members who put their name forward for the ballot. The Election Committee would also like to thank the many volunteers who helped with the ballot count today, and the members who took time to vote.

Pre-Employment Carpentry Program


Do you like working with your hands?
Are you interested in the carpentry trade becoming your career?
Become Work Ready with us!

Learn from experienced Red Seal professionals at the Carpenter Millwright College of New Brunswick (CMCNB), where more hands-on leaning will get you into the highdemand industry faster!

Program Description: Successful students will gain occupational skills for employment in the construction industry, including instruction on tools and equipment, building materials, layout and framing, concrete formwork, beams and supports, interior and exterior finish, and so much more. Theory of safety standards, building codes, blueprint reading, and best practices are both studied and applied.

Duration: September 2018 – June 2019 (40 Weeks)

Prerequisite requirements: Grade 12 or equivalent. Strong trade math skills, basic reading ability, and an interest in the carpentry trade.

Interested? For more information, contact us at (506) 450 4024 ext. 205 or

Local 83 Hoodies!

New Local 83 Hoodies available!

2 ways to get a hoodie:

  1.  Come to a membership meeting.
  2.  Contact Colin Keeping by phone (902) 717-8885 about a site visit.

Hoodies will cost $20 and the money will go to Christmas Daddies Organization at the end of the year!

2018 Sisters in the Brotherhood Conference

Dear Sisters,

Please be advised there will be a 2018 Sisters in the Brotherhood Conference at the International Training Centre Las Vegas from August 26-29, 2018. The Atlantic Canada Regional Council has been allocated 25 spots for our members to attend.

In order to qualify for this conference you must write a brief letter as to why you should be chosen to attend the conference. In addition to qualify you must be in good standing with the Union . Please forward your applications to by June 18 2018.

The successful applicants will be notified by June 21 2018.

Thank you for your continued interest and support for the Sisters in the Brotherhood.

Fraternally Yours,
Debra Romero