
ACRC Executive 2020

Yesterday we had an exciting day at each of the offices across Atlantic Canada. We held our very first Virtual Delegate Convention and elected our ACRC Executive. We want to say a big thank you to all our ACRC Delegates for participating and for everyone who ran for positions.

We are happy to present your 2020 ACRC Executive:
Executive Secretary-Treasurer – Debbie Romero
President – Gord Jacobs
Vice President – Mike Williams
Exec Committee Member 1 – Jim Dawson
Exec Committee Member 2 – Tony MacDougall
Trustee 1 – Jeff Richardson
Trustee 2 – Joe Madore
Trustee 3 – Paul Pelley
Conductor – Alan Kornelson
Warden – Darrell Melvin


Meet Brother Blake Stevenson!

This past April, Blake was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, an aggressive and potentially terminal brain cancer, which in Blake case, cannot be removed with surgery. The only treatment will be chemotherapy and radiation. Now, although this diagnosis is terrifying, especially in a time when COVID 19 makes it difficult for people to visit, hug, and support Blake physically, we can all support Blake and his beautiful family financially.  We are reaching out to each and everyone of you, as Blake’s friends and co-workers, for your help. 

Over the last couple months, there have been many members join together and shave their head to support Brother Blake. If you are able, please contribute what you can, even the smallest donation can go a long way.

For those of you that know Blake, know that he has a boxing background, which explains his great exercise and workout routines, but it also means that he is the definition of a FIGHTER!  We know that he is going to put all his strength and energy into knocking Glioblastoma out, but he is going to need all of us in his corner for every single round!